Miss ASEAN Ei Yupar Win and Ye Htut's Wedding Photos
Mg Ye Htut and Ei Yupar Win in Chinese Wedding Dress |
With Wedding Dinner Party Dress |
With Myanmar Traditional Wedding Dress |
Former Miss ASEAN Ei Yupar Win and Ye Htut held their wedding ceremony on 18 June 2011 at Sedona Hotel, Yangon. Ei Yupar Win will move to the United States of America where her husband lives. Ei Yupar Win won “Miss Talent” Award in Miss ASEAN Beauty Contest which was held in 2005.
အလွမယ္ကလဲ ဒီ၀က္ႀကီးကိုယူရသလား ေအးေလအေမရိကန္ဆိုေတာ့လဲ ယူသင့္တာေပါ့ အိုေအာင္ မင္းေအာင္ေပါင္းၾကပါေစ
ReplyDeleteLOL.. on HJK comment. She may be his size soon or he may be her size soon. Who knows but Yea, LOVE is more powerful when you add USA (AMERICA). So, by Chemistry, America can be called as an agent to boost love.
ReplyDeletelol, you guys make me laugh.
ReplyDeleteဘယ္ႏွစ္ပြဲေတာင္ လဲဟင္
ReplyDeleteေနာက္ဆံုးေတာ့လဲအေကာင္ၾကီးၾကီးေတြမစား၇င္ တစ္ရုပ္ေတြစားသြားဒါပဲ ဗမာေတြအတြက္ကေတာ့ တစ္ရုပ္စားျပီးသား အေကာင္းၾကီးၾကီးစားျပီးသား အခြန္ပဲက်န္ေတာ့တယ္
ReplyDeleteအဲဒီလို စားခ်င္ရင္ အဲဒီလို ျဖစ္ေအာင္လုပ္ေပါ့ကြယ္...
ReplyDeleteBoth of them are Chinese and their parents are friends. That's why they got married! Ei Ei knows better Chinese than him. They are from same High School class in Dagon 1 and he is a pharmacist in US. His size is just overweight in US not obese. You can't compare with guys from Yangon who are very skinny by US standard.
ReplyDeleteAdmin, Ei Yupar Win got Ms. Talent award in Ms. ASEAN contest in 2005 (not 2004)!
ReplyDeleteတို ့ပမာေယာက်ားေတြကအစြမ္းမရွိေတာ့ဘူးလားလို ့ေတြးမိေနတယ္ ေအေလ တရုပ္ေတြက ပမာထက္ခ်မ္းသာတာကို အေပၚက chit ေျပာသလိုဘဲအေကာင္ၾကီးေတြသူမ်ားစားလိုက္ျပီး နန္ဒါလွိုင္ တို ့လဲျကည့္ေပါ့
ReplyDeleteဘယ္အစြမ္းရွိမလဲ..ဗမာေတြက ရသမ်ွစား၊ ေသာက္၊ ဖဲခ်၊ အကုုန္ကုုန္ေနေတာ့ ဗမာမေတြ သူမ်ားေနာက္ ပါကုုန္တာေပါ့။
ReplyDeletenice myanmar dress..love it..look like mermaid tail....
ReplyDeleteေကာင္မေလးက အရင္ကစစ္ဗိုုလ္တစ္ေကာင္နဲ႔ၿဖစ္ေနတာ..
ReplyDeleteဘယ္လိုုလုုပ္ဒီတရုုပ္ကေရာက္လာတာလဲ..စစ္ကားလဲရိုုက္ၿပီး တရုုပ္ကားဆက္ရိုုက္တာေနမွာ;))
အိန္ဓရာ တို႔ကိုအားက်လို႔ေနမွာ
ReplyDeleteဗမာေယာက်္ားေတြကေတာ့ေနာ္ တယ္..မေျပာလိုက္ခ်င္ဘူး။ ဗမာမ ဒီျ့ပင္လူမ်ိဳးယူတာၾကေတာ့ မႈိခ်ိဳးမႈစ္ခ်ိဳးေျပာခ်င္တယ္။ သူတို႔က်ေတာ့ သူမ်ားလူမ်ိဳးကို အေသလိုခ်င္ေနတယ္။
ReplyDeleteWedding with no love,just money. I fear how she can live marriage without love. There are many Myanmar men who have money and handsome. She couldn`t find because she was not find. Myanmar blood was pump out on the Chinese wedding bed. I so sad..............................