
Myanmar Celebrity Couple: Cobra and Khin Myintzu Khine

Cobra and Khin Myintzu Khine held their wedding party on 8 February 2009 at Yuzana Garden Hotel, Yangon. Myanmar famous director Maung Myo Min and his wife offered wedding garland of flowers and Dr.Soe Thein and his wife offered wedding rings to the bride and groom respectively. Cobra is Myanmar popular singer and Khin Myintzu Khine is a popular model and new face actress.
Myanmar Celebrity Couple Fashion : Cobra and Khin Myintzu Khine

Myanmar Celebrity Couple : Singer Cobra and Model Khin Myintzu Khine
Photographer : Min Khant Kyaw
Make-Up: Kyaw Moe
Dress : Giordano
Photos From The Bloom Magazine
Cobra_Khin Myintzu Khine 4134110581768534353

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  1. i think this model is so young to married,,,aw aw



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