Cobra and Khin Myintzu Khine held their wedding party on 8 February at Yuzana Garden Hotel, Yangon. Myanmar famous director Maung Myo Min and his wife offered wedding garland of flowers and Dr.Soe Thein and his wife offered wedding rings to the bride and groom respectively. Cobra is Myanmar popular singer and Khin Myintzu Khine is a popular model and new face actress. အဆုိေတာ္ Cobra နဲ႔ ေမာ္ဒယ္ သ႐ုပ္ေဆာင္ ခင္မၪၨဴခုိင္တို႔ရဲ႕ မဂၤလာ ဧည့္ခံပြဲကုိ ေဖေဖာ္ဝါရီလ ၈ ရက္ေန႔ ညေန က 'Yuzana Garden Hotel' မွာ က်င္းပခဲ့ပါတယ္။