Actor Soe Thu and Actress Tun Eaindra Bo Perform Together in U.S
Myanmar popular singer and actress, Tun Eaindra Bo is in United States of America at the moment to perform Music Concerts in US. Tun Eaindra Bo arrived New York on June 27, 2009. She will perform altogether 4 Concerts in U.S ; San Francisco on July 11th, Seatlle on July 18th, New York City on July 25th, and Los Angeles on August 1st. These Music Concerts are presented By KHA & MRA. Myanmar former famous actor and singer, Soe Thu will also perform for these concerts together with Tun Eaindra Bo. Currently, Soe Thu is living in US by leaving his famous celebrity life in Myanmar. Tun Eaindra Bo will return to Yangon on the first week of August. (News Source : www. )

အဆိုေတာ္ ႏွင့္ သရုပ္ေဆာင္ ထြန္းအိျႏၵာဗိုလ္ ဂီတေဖ်ာ္ေျဖပြဲေတြ က်င္းပဖို႔ အေမရိကန္ကို ေရာက္ရွိေနတယ္လို႔ သိရပါတယ္။ US မွာ အေျခခ်ေနထုိင္ေနတဲ့ အခ်ိန္က နာမည္ေက်ာ္ အဆိုေတာ္ ႏွင့္ သရုပ္ေဆာင္ စိုးသူ နဲ႔ အတူတြဲဖက္ ေဖ်ာ္ေျဖၾကမွာပါ။ ပြဲစဥ္ေတြကေတာ့ (San Francisco on July 11th, Seatlle on July 18th, New York City on July 25th, and Los Angeles on August 1st) စုစုေပါင္း ၄ ပြဲ ေဖ်ာ္ေျဖမွာပါ။ ၾသဂုတ္လ ဆန္းပိုင္းမွာ ထြန္းအိျႏၵာဗိုလ္ ရန္ကုန္သို႔ ျပန္ေရာက္မယ္လို႔ သိရပါတယ္။

i missss u Soe Thu.... and loveeee you.