Myanmar super model Aung Ye Linn and Wut Hmone Shwe Yee's romantic couple style

These are romantic teenage couple style of Aung Ye Linn and Wut Hmone Shwe Yee. Aung Ye Linn is Myanmar popular model boy and he is trying to step in Myanmar filming field as a new actor. Wut Hmone Shwe Yee is Myanmar popular and beautiful model girl. She is getting popular because of her attractive, sexy and lovely style. They are not real Myanmar celebrity couple, they are just acting. Wut Hmone Shwe Yee is the girlfriend of Myanmar popular hip-hop singer, model boy, Sai Sai Khan Hlaing.
Myanmar romantic teenage couple style, Aung Ye Linn and Wut Hmone Shwe Yee
Myanmar model boy, Aung Ye Linn and sexy mdoel girl Wut Hmone Shwe Yee Style
Myanmar super model, Wut Hmone Shwe Yee and Model boy Aung Ye Linn's couple style
ျမန္မာေမာ္ဒယ္ဘိုင္ ေအာင္ရဲလင္း ႏွင့္ ေမာ္ဒယ္မေလး ၀တ္မွဳန္ေရႊရည္ တို႔ရဲ့ စံုတြဲ စတိုင္ ပံုေလးေတြပါ။ သူတို႔က တကယ့္ စံုတြဲေတြမဟုတ္ၾကပါဘူး။ ၀တ္မွဳန္ေရႊရည္ က ျမန္မာ အဆိုေတာ္၊ ေမာ္ဒယ္၊ မင္းသား အသစ္ စိုင္းစိုင္းခမ္းလိွဳင္ ရဲ့ ရည္စားပါ။
Couple Fashion 2008 8970472376526764802

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  1. hey, u just show your bad & low image.
    wutt hmone is not that kind of girl.
    she's just want to have fun like other ordinary girl.
    she can use money as much as she want before she's a model.
    she's not a poor girl & she's from high standard.
    phoe la pyae and wutt are just friend.
    so watch your mouth. ok?

  2. yes yes yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i like you say watch your mouth

  3. Why can u say that? She is ur sister or......

  4. yes she is my sister so what u gonna do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. ta yae lar ma ti bu. kyout sa yar gyi

  6. ma wut hmone phone number lo kyin tal pay nai ma lar.

  7. ma ma fashion i ma a yann hla tal .

  8. She has a rare beauty as an oriented girl. I like your appearance and I also want to like Ur characters, I am a guy of liking both Aung Ye Linn and U, Wut Hmone. Thank U.

  9. I love aung ye Lin and also wut hmone shwe yee......too but I love aung ye Lin more....

  10. i love aung ye lin. so much... he is my the best one..... so cute...

  11. hey...aung ye lin do u have Email if u have can u get to me plz tell ur fri wut hmone,too (ok)if u want my Gmail i will get to u...this is my Gmail(

  12. ko aung ye lin phone unmber ko pay ba

  13. 000 , 911 or 119 call lite pop kwel :PP if u get real aung ye lin phone :PP i ko lal give naw.. :D

  14. aung ye lin, they want to sleep with u, pls, give them a chance to sleep but don't forgot to wear the condone coz they have no.4.:-)

  15. 095158460 that is Aung ye linn hp no>>>

  16. if u want to call him pls call on the night time after 11pm.if u call him on day time he will never pick up the phone.

  17. is taht real aung ye lin's ph number? i also want!

  18. Where is his number I don't see can u give me his number now If u can??

  19. I love aung ye Lin he is my favorite acter

  20. I love aung ye lin &very cute

  21. I want to lover to sai sai & wut hmone .so it is wish too



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